Looking for Best Linux Distributions. This article is for you then. Best Linux Distributions means best for “you”. Linux Torvalds is the creator of Linux. Initially, Linux was developed for the personal computer. Today, many platforms like servers, databases, and more, use it. All the software is freely available in Linux. Linux is one of the most well-known examples of free and open-source collaboration.
Some of the most popular Linux distributions are Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Fedora, CentOS, Kali Linux. Of course, the best thing about Linux is every Linux Distro is free. An operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Linux has various Desktop Environment namely KDE, Unity, Gnome, Mate, Cinnamon. Also, All the Linux distribution is highly secure.
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List of 10 Best Linux Distribution
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This is one of the most popular Linux distributions right now. This is based on Debian architecture. Ubuntu usually runs on personal machines but it is also used in networks and servers. Apart from that, Ubuntu also gets an upgrade every two years with Long Term Support. Long Term Support is for five years after five the version will not get any updates. The short-term support upgrades release every two years. Also, Short Term Support has 9 months of updates. Ubuntu is also quite popular among beginners. By default, Ubuntu uses the Unity Desktop Environment.
Check out their official website for more information and download the latest ISO image.

Fedora is sponsored by a red hat company. It has a relatively short life cycle. Each version is usually supported for 13 months, that’s 5 years in Ubuntu. Fedora also has a position for the anchor on innovation, integrating new technologies early on and working closely with upstream communities. Fedora 21 onward, is available in three categories. Workstation focused on the personal machines, Server and Cloud in Servers and Atomix focused on Cloud Computing. Fedora usually role out a new version every 6 months which one of the reasons it is in the best Linux distributions list.
Kali Linux

The third one on our Linux distributions list is Kali Linux. It is based on Debian architecture. It is used in Penetration Testing, Security Auditing, etc. Kali Linux used in Hacking whether Black hat or White Hat. It also contains a large number of Security Task tools. Security Tasks such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Reverse Engineering. Backbox, Bugtraq, BlackArch Linux are some OS like Kali Linux.
Arch Linux

If you are searching for the best Linux distributions for developers then you should consider this one. Arch Linux follows four principles namely simplicity, modernity, and pragmatism, versatility. After the installation arch, you will get a simple command prompt. And you can install software just you want to install. Apart from that, its Design approach follows the KISS principle that is “Keep It Simple, Stupid”. Arch Linux Pacman is the package manager of the arch. Pacman is useful for installing, uninstalling, and updating the software.

Linux Mint is based on Debian and Ubuntu. Along with a very friendly GUI, it also is very powerful. It is currently using the Cinnamon Desktop Environment. Linux mint has refined the Ubuntu Software Center. Now it has the Software Center as good as Ubuntu. It is a very simple yet most complete OS. And the installation process is also very easy.
Elementary OS

The elementary OS is considered one of the best Linux distributions for beginners. The big reason behind this is the user interface which is very similar to macOS. So it has the same user-friendliness as macOS. It is also the reason why many users who are switching from macOS prefer elementaryOS. It comes with a limited range of essential apps. Along with them, there is an app store where you can download more free and paid apps.

CentOS is a free Linux distribution and repackaged version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is popular for being stable and reliable. It is considered one of the bestLinux distributions for developers. That’s because CentOS has customizable open-source software and it gives a lot of control. Additionally, it is also community-driven and, it focuses on engaging and helping the community.

Solus is another very popular OS on our best Linux distributions list. It is specially designed for home use. Therefore, the beginner-friendly interface is one of its important features. There are different desktop environments you can choose from. There isSolus Budgie, GNOME, MATE, and Plasma. GNOME uses ATK and its great for people with disabilities. MATE is more suitable for older hardware. And Plasma is the most customizable one, suitable for advanced users.

Another one on themost popular Linux distributions list would bePop!_OS. Based on Ubuntu, it is both free and open source. The features are designed for professional use, hence, making it one of the best Linux distributions for developers. It offers a vast range of tools especially for developing software. Apart from that, it also features a custom GNOME desktop environment. It uses APT and Flatpak package management for easy installation, removal, and update of the software.

The last one on our top Linux Distributions list isDeepin. This Debian based distribution is user-friendly and quite reliable. It looks similar to macOS but it has the option to change into Windows look-like according to user’s convenience. Apart from easy to use interface, it comes withDeepin Tool Kit that helps in maintenance. Although it does come with an App Store, the apps there may not be quite up to date.